Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Come and play volleyball and welcome home Richie P from southern California! Friday at BSCC; 7PM.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Random Pics

what do you do when...

you are sitting at your desk (either at school or at work) and have absolutely no motivation whatsoever?

Monday, March 20, 2006

I Need Your Advice

This will be an easy one to comment on. I have some things in the works and I need to know, will anyone buy a sweet t-shirt? You have to order 36 minimum, so let's see who wants one. Just think, you could have one probably even nicer than the ones seen here!

Saturday, March 25, 2pm, Laurel DE (the land where dreams come true)

We are going to help Danny and Becca finish their moving in process. Work starts around 2, then fun and fellowship to follow. Pray that all their utilities get turned on by then (if not the party might be relocated). Either way, we will...i repeat...we will party.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Alright atheletes...Friday, March 31st, 7pm...Volleyball at BSCC. This is another tag-team event with the Youth Group. Mark it down.

Monday, March 13, 2006

books and quotes

I don't know how well this will be received, but you know what...doesn't matter. I am forced to read quite a bit for my school requirements, and rather than horde all of the pages to myself, I am going to give you some quotes randomly to think about, disagree with, agree with, comment on, or re-read 50x and have no idea what just happened. We'll start with some fundamentals. Installment #1:

Westminster Shorter Catechism 1
Q. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

the Loop

the calendar:
March 25 - House Warming/Work Day/Bonfire: Danny and Becca are moving to Laurel (only the greatest town in the world- and my hometown!). Rob and Kate Reinert's homegroup (which is good if you are looking for a homegroup) and The Edge are trying to team up to help the Young's clean up their yard and do some small jobs around their house, then we will party it up, bonfire style. Food, Music, Ministry, and some of the greatest people you'll ever meet will be there. Starts around 2pm for the work, then the fun will follow immediately. (That's Danny and Becca on the right...its ok, they're married!)
April 8 - Work Day at Bay Shore. 8am-12pm. If you are wondering about your potential usefulness, here is some incentive...I've been there before and I could actually help. If I can do it, we can all do it.
April 28-30 - Camping!!!! Let me know if you are interested. I think we found a state park up in the great state of PA. Everything we need and MORE.

Monday, March 06, 2006

And the Oscar goes to...

So, in the eyes of film critics, Crash is the best movie of the year. I wish that the Oscars weren't only devoted to movies that push social agendas. Of course, it is effective to use theatre/the arts to get your point across (however right or wrong that opinion is), but movies are also about entertainment. Like Napolean Dynamite for example. No agenda, there isn't even a point. Yet, the movie is stinkin funny. Oscar worthy? Yeah. Why? Because, it hooked us all in and gave us lines to quote all year.
So, if the Oscars were up to you, what is your best picture?


Don't forget!!! Women with an Edge Bible Study. Tomorrow Night. 7 PM at Ashley's house.

Next Sunday...Pot Luck dinner at Bay Shore 6 Pm with the rest of the church family. They are always fun and really good eating (especially if you like macaroni).

And finally, the news of all news, the news that will alter your
whole world (probably not, but it's a good build up)...we are going CAMPING! Experience the outdoors with all of your friends. S'mores, campfires, Kumbaya (yes, I looked this up to spell it correctly), hiking, trailblazing, bear hunting (just kidding!), prayer, Bible reading, relaxing, fellowship, fresh fish, sleeping on air mattresses, walking 200 feet to a bathroom at 3 am, lakes, trees, cold fresh air in the morning, hot dogs, trail mix, mafia (if we are lucky!), games, eggs, camouflage (had to look that up too)...you get the picture. April 28-30. We will be leaving on Friday, coming back on Sunday afternoonish. If we have enough people we will have a group go up Friday day (get off of work Friday) to set up, then another group who will leave after they get off in the evening. We will try to work around you. Email me if you are interested (and you are!).

Thursday, March 02, 2006

my apartment

In the words of my good friend Rich, "Its all about getting to know people." So here I sit, ready to let you know what it is that I do in the great state of PA. I live in a crusty apartment (I would post a pic or 2 but my computer is unknown to the world of high speed...we prefer dial-up). The good news is, my roommate just cleaned...there was a threat that some people might stop by, which is a good thing, unless you live where we do. In our living room, we have a rug, a plastic table, a corduroy couch that used to be white, but now plays itself off as eggshell, probably due to dirt. Until a prank gone bad, in which my other couch was placed in the front yard and later thrown away, it too sat in our living room. It had character. You could see two oil spots where peoples' heads would rest (not mine of course). We also have a weight bench in our living room. Where else would it be? Our kitchen is small enough for one man, as is the laundry room, which doubles as a storage closet (not on purpose though). At one point there were 5 people who lived here, one guy, a 28 year old college senior, wanted to live in our other closet, but we decided it would be more fitting to nail a mattress to a wall with a couple of 2x4's. The paint is falling off the ceiling in the bathroom and conveniently, the toilet stopped working. I feel like a pilgrim when I have to fill up a bucket and dump it into the back of the commode, on top of the old liquor and mountain dew bottles stored in the back (I dont know why, they have been there since we moved in...5 years ago). Indoor plumbing is overrated anyway. My room is pretty nice, though very empty. The only problem is...the molding at the bottom of the wall leaks pretty good so it gets a touch cold at night from October-March (almost made it). I also HAVE to sleep with a fan on, so when I wake up its around 10 below in my room, and to top it off, there are things growing on the walls in my closet, for which reason I have moved out everything that once occupied it. This is the thriving metropolis of Akron PA. This is probably too long, but for all of the college folk in the world, this is our song, our anthem. Dirty apartments and weight benches in the living room, and the occasional roommate living in a storage closet. At least its cheap. And now, I will eat dinner at 9:33. The menu: spaghetti, chocolate milk, and wheat thins.

getting the Word out

Two things:
Number One - We just started a new teaching series last week entitled, "You've Got Mail." (That is Andy's brainchild and Rich's favorite movie) Simply put, we are going to be chugging our way through Paul's letter to the Colossians. Why? because Colossians provides a great foundation for understanding the person and work of Christ (something we should know a little bit about), and how that foundation impacts our lives. You see...doctrine and application do live together.

Number Two - Women on the Edge Bible Study starts this Tuesday (March 7th). Email Amanda for the low down. I imagine there will be some food and some fun and some fellowship, but more importantly, they are going to study the Bible.